Who ordered the scrambled brains?

Michael uncensored. (But heavily filtered.)

The Cramming of the Cramming

Another summer session, another final. One down, one to go. Whoo! Let me break this one down for you. Since I had that freakishly time-consuming essay to write yesterday, I only had this morning to study for today’s final. You could say that my cramming had to be crammed into one morning. And for some reason my body was stuck in the “operational” mode last night and I just never felt tired. That was after 40 hours with only an hour of sleep. At midnight I got in bed and finally went into hibernation. Got up at 5:15am and started the cramming of the cramming. My mental faculties were at the mercy of coffee and cigarettes. Ew! But what are you gonna do? Prioritize? Organize? Manage? Well, I guess.

Anyway, got to the final, a mere thirty minutes late, sat down and dug in. I was elbow deep in the BS and was having one hell of a time flinging it around. Just kidding, only at one point was I, shall I say, smearing the truth. I actually did quite well. A in Sociology 102, Contemporary Sociological Theory, no doubt! A toast: to never forgetting Parsons, Merton, Dahrendorf, Goffman, Lukács, Gramsci, Marcuse or Habermas! Cheers!

Another toast: no more unrealistic toasts! Cheers!


Whoo! I’ve got to write three more pages on consitutionality tests used by the Supreme Court pertaining to equal protection laws and gender discrimination, and only 35 minutes to do so. What did I spend the last hour doing? Setting up podcasting on my website. Yes, I am a focused student with no attention disorders. What’s podcasting? One of a multitude of pseudo-technologies arising out of blogging and XML/RSS (see my RSS Intro). This one basically enables people to subscribe to audio programs using a podcast client. Example:

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Christmas Fever

Like any aimless writer, I have a list of things I’d like to explore through writing. Actually, I have four lists: one on my desktop, one on my laptop, one stored in Yahoo! Notepad, and one on a real life notepad on my real life desktop. But I preempt those fascinating seeds of knowledge, each one a tome, a treasure, a universe in itself, to write about an illness of the mind to which I have today succumbed.

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A Responsible Blurb

I know I’ve pushed people to use Mozilla Firefox instead of Internet Explorer citing security as a prominent reason, so I am reporting this temporary workaround to an important security issue revealed two days ago. A critical bug exists in Firefox (which permits malicious website operators access to your computer), and Mozilla has yet to release a true fix. In the meantime, you can install this “workaround”, which will disable support for international language domain names (URLs with domain names that include non-English characters) until a true fix is released. (As with all changes made to programs and settings on your computer, research this information and verify it with a trusted source.)

See What Firefox and Mozilla users should know about the IDN buffer overflow security issue for more information. This concludes this public service announcment.

New Mailing Lists

Just finished the bulk of my first contract programming work… You know what that means? More work on Scrambled Brains is now underway. I just put the finishing touches on a couple site features. Scrambled Brains now provides mailing lists for blog posts and comments. You know what that means? Scrambled Brains conveniently delivered to your email inbox, as hot and fresh as it gets. Information about the mailing lists is available here on the About page. I also added a donations link, that finally empowers you readers to show your appreciation for this publication. You know what that means? My bank account is gonna start overflowing and I can go straight from college to retirement! The link to the donations page is at the bottom of the About page.

And I’m thinking about adding a graffiti box to the sidebar to add even more dynamism to the site.


This is truly moving. And inspiring.

Radio interview with New Orleans’ Mayor Nagin. (CNN)

You gotta listen to the audio, all the way through. The transcript doesn’t do it justice. If not Hillary in 2008, then this guy! Shame on Bush - and shame on America for electing that unethical, evil man.

Material Boy

One day, Volvo S40, you will be mine. All mine.

What? You think the quality of my posts has declined? Fine I’ll write more.

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Ruff Day; My Dogs Are Barking

My aunt’s in the hospital, I got no sleep last night because I was writing this fluff piece, and then I found out I lost six pounds some time in the last four months - which I have been trying to do by limiting my caloric intake. Next step: more exercise, be it tennis, swimming, joining a gym, or utilizing UCLA’s. With the midterm done, I can focus on my first software project as an independent contractor - POW! Sounds good, doe’n't it? …I hope my aunt’s gonna be OK. God.

Note: Updated the about page.

Update 1: My aunt’s recovering and her prognosis is very good.

Update 2: Take it back, she’s not doing so well after all. (5 Sep 05 17:23)

My Awesome Aunt

A couple pinsanz, my bro, and my aunt Cyn, after a night of bowling. (Ca. December 2004)

Where You All Be At?

I’m using a free service from gvisit.com which uses the acclaimed free service Google Maps to track where you all be at! I.e., the service populates a Google Map with markers representing the approximate geographic locations of the visitors to this site. It was interesting to see a marker on Reno, Nevada. Where will you guys come from next…

Update: I added a link to my gvisit page at the bottom of the directory on the right.

Update 2: The markers are determined automatically by your internet connection’s address. And it doesn’t seem to track duplicates. So there’ll only be one marker for Los Angeles, for example, despite multiple readers located here. By multiple I mean more than one, less than three.