Who ordered the scrambled brains?

Brains: It's what's for snack.

Sociology -101

I’m beginning to think rudeness is genetic, something that can’t be unlearned. No es bueno. If rudeness is undesired, than what is desired would be what is called politeness. What does polite behavior entail? First, it requires awareness of how you feel when you experience negative emotions, some sort of cognition that intercepts emotions before it triggers any automated behavioral response. This disengages the person from a habitual, knee-jerk response. I’d say some people are incapable of being aware of their emotions, perhaps because at a young age their emotion-driven behavior was always succesful at achieving pleasurable outcomes. Perhaps sometimes people are too preoccupied too monitor their feelings. Sometimes it is a lack of emotion that needs to be caught, since lacking any emotion can equate to lacking respect, and this can be difficult to catch. For these or other reasons, these circumstances prevent, by my account, polite behavior. If the person is aware of their emotions, then politeness next requires rationalizing that emotion by considering all circumstances, and actions and intents of all individuals, involved. This questioning of self is definately difficult, but can prevent the person from jumping to conclusions and offending another. The more you care about offending someone, the more this rationalization is justified. Third, the person must balance the urge to express the raw emotion with the urge to build a middle ground with others involved. This involves translation of the emotion into a behavior that is socially acceptable, which assumes an understanding of what is socially acceptable. Lastly, this social act of rationalized emotion is performed. And everyone’s happy. Comments?

Fuel: Empty

Dang. I been so unmotivated to write lately. And I have so much to write about. I just haven’t wanted to. Maybe I don’t really have anything to write about. Maybe I’m just lazy. Maybe I’ve lost interest in blogging. Maybe I’ve been too busy. Maybe I haven’t been keep that proverbial eye proverbially peeled for things in my daily life that could be of blogging interest. But, ah, what the heck, let’s go for it. Got time to kill till the machines are done drying my laundry anyway.

My cousin started a couple new hilarious blogs, with some of her cohorts, in which she chronicles her neighborhood from sober and non-sober perspectives. So far, classic. See for yourself. She’s got personality and complexity enough to ignite a thousand novellas.
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Fools, I am alive!
And this site lives on as well…
More updates later.

More Than Techno-babble

We all remember my hilarious! wacky! zany! post titled Soul Ballads. Well, you were able to enjoy that story and the images presented in it because I spent time setting up a webserver and I pay money out of my pocket to pay the electricity and internet connectivity that avails that content to you. Of course, now that I’ve made images, audio, and so on available on the internet at my expense and for the enjoyment of my webpage visitors, any jackhole can come along and link to those files from somewhere else. For example, take this … “person’s” pathetic blog entry. You’ll notice there’s no picture of Carl Winslow. Thirty minutes ago there was. But I was looking through my server log and I noticed this line:

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Gold Hunt

I spent the day reconfiguring my apartment wireless network. It’s been a long ordeal, not just today, but since I started with wireless a year and a half ago. My problem is that I’ve got all this 802.11b equipment that doesn’t support WPA, and we know WEP is easily broken. (WPA and WEP are technologies that basically try to make the wireless transmissions between your laptop/wireless device and a wireless access point unreadable to others in the geographic vicinity.) So for a long time I was using an 802.11b access point connected to my linux box which was running a VPN server that controlled access to the apartment LAN and Internet (cool, I know!). Each wireless client therefore also had to run a VPN client and needed proper VPN credentials. Anyway, it worked alright, but my brother’s computer’s internet connection would go dead about 4 times a day. Read the rest of this entry »

$5 in Your Pocket

Why am I a bad student? For reasons like what happened just now, when I checked the calendar online and found that instruction doesn’t in fact begin tomorrow as I had thought, but on Thursday! Whooo! That’s like finding five bucks in a jacket you haven’t worn in a while. Which reminds me, I found $40 on the ground outside my apartment last night. Drug deal, (minor) ransom drop-off, or fluke, I took the money and never looked back. It all came together for me to finally book that dream vacation: a Monday-to-Wednesday stay in the presidential suite at the Hungry Valley Motel 6. Trust me, readers: some times, good things really do just happen.

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Link Stew

basement jaxx hollywood bowlLaugh. (From Jeff)
Cry. (From Eloise)
Jump ‘N Shout. *
Bow down.
Laugh again.

* It is believed that the use of a single low-quality clip for critical commentary on the track on Scrambled Brains, hosted on equiptment in the United States by Michael McGranahan, qualifies as fair use under United States copyright law. So what do you guys think of Basement Jaxx - kings of progressive house? Saw those guys at the Hollywood Bowl over the summer, with Röyksopp. Absolutely amazing show.

Deadline to Freedom

OK. Here’s the deal. I’m trapped in a room with nothing but two textbooks and a computer. The only way out is to present a satisfactory essay explicating the constitutional history of the right to privacy to the Satan-worshipping court enthusiasts that have imprisoned me. The catch: the room is hermetically sealed, with only enough oxygen to last exactly 14 hours. That gives me till 1:00pm tomorrow afternoon to come up with some quality stuff. My life is on the line, so it’s a grave situation indeed. (No pun intended.) We all know I’m predisposed towards blogging and programming when I’m seriously pressed for time. So, in the interests of my life, I am hereby self-imposing an injuncture against any and all further Scrambled Brains activity for [dramatic pause] the next 14 hours. Hopefully at that time, I will still be here with you all on Earth to recount the story of my captivity. FREEEEDOOOMMM!!!

1:52am: It’s 1:52am and I’m still going strong. True to my word, I haven’t touched the blog in… almost three hours now! Here’s to three more!

2:51am: Damnit. In the process of… uh… researching stuff, I discovered that my iBook is malfunctioning. I’ve been having problems with it halting for the last two weeks now. Now it will not complete the boot process. Even running the disk repair tool on the installation CD locks up. I’m thinking either bad memory or mobo mobo. Although the problem could be mechanical in nature since I carry it with me (carefully) to class everyday. GRRRRRRR! God this is annoying.

8:49am: 8:49am and I’m still going crazy. Wait. I mean, strong. I’m still going strong. Yeah. No… I was right in the first place. Need sleep. Going crazy.

10:00am: Wow, as I just grasped for my goblet of Dr. Pepper, the likening of me to a unrestrained alcoholic flooded my brain. Indeed, as the alcoholic drinks to loosen up but overshoots this and instead becomes inebriated, I was drinking to sharpen my wits and, in overshooting this, was growing more and more cuckoo! You know what they say: Fine line between pure eloquent genius and utter chaotic insanity. OK, so far so good. I haven’t touched the blog at all tonight!

12:16pm: Whoo! I discovered a hole under the computer in this room and I’ve escaped! Just kidding. I finished the paper. Now I’m freeee! Just like those mattresses in the Sit ‘n Sleep commericals! Summer school is finally over! Party time! Hey guys, when’s the KROQ concert again? Next weekend? Great!

Happy Birthday, Mom!

It’s both of my parent’s birthdays this week. Wow!

Hail, hail, the gang’s all here!
Singing happy birthday, happy happy birthday!
Hail, hail, the gang’s all here!
Wishing happy birthday to you!

I hope you have a happy day, and a healthy year.

Make sure you all check back with this post later. Let’s just say there might be some “audio” available, if you catch my drift.

Update: Well what do you know Joe, there’s an audio link at the top of this post. I wonder what that could be. (Vocals graciously provided by Shaun “Catfish” McGranahan and Natalie “Yang Yang” Marin-Sharp. Thanks a lot guys; it wouldn’t have been the same without you.)


My sleep schedule has been annihalated. I just finshed a 12-hour coding spree. Got moblogging to work with the help of this blog entry. Got “Email article” and “Printer friendly” links working, modified from code available here. Added my little face icon next to all my comments. Upgraded the subscribe to post’s comments feature, which now allows you to subscribe without actually commenting. That upgrade required me to upgrade the entire Wordpress engine to 1.5.2. Changed a lot of the fonts. Fixed the sizing of large images on Internet Explorer per this information. And lastly, my dad pointed out that all the timestamps for comments were off by an hour; the simple UPDATE wp_comments SET comment_date=DATE_ADD(comment_date, INTERVAL 1 HOUR) SQL command did the trick “quick-snap” as Mike Skinner would say. The only thing that remains desired is an archive index like this, as well as the ability to moblog voice recordings from my phone (as my dad challenged me here). Anyway, I’m going to sleep.

Update: I also added some code to show the time and date of any updates made to a post, under the “Created” line. Lots of changes, lots of potential bugs. So let me know if you discover any, por favor. My coding vanity is nearly satisfied… for now!