Who ordered the scrambled brains?

Make your voice heard! Comment on a post today.

Product Review: Tom’s of Maine Natural Deodorant

A couple weeks ago I started using Tom’s of Maine Natural Deodorant, and I haven’t had any complaints about it yet. More importantly perhaps is that I haven’t heard any complaints about it yet, from people that spend time near me. I decided to switch from Mitchum because of the Diet and Exercise class I took last quarter at UCLA, in which the professor predicted that in 20 years, the chemical industry in general will have been found accountable for significant death and disease and will face public outrage, just as the cigarette industry has today. So I have been using the unscented variety which, for some reason, has the refreshing scent of lemon and lime. I can go a full day and a half on this stuff - don’t ask about the details. But be you warned. After precisely 36 hours, the deodorant, no longer able to continue its war versus nature, will cowardly flee the battleground and yield to the suffocating stench of death and decay. Mike’s Morsel: Set your stopwatch the moment you apply the product to thirty-six hours.

The judge rules: highly recommended. It is further bestowed the Scrambled Brains Medal of Odorlessness 2006.

An amen to Joel Stein

On Tuesday, this opinion piece ran in the Los Angeles Times. Joel Stein doesn’t support the troops fighting in Iraq. Today, Reuters ran this diddy about the fallout. I applaud Stein’s decision to express himself. I don’t support the troops as much as I don’t support the congresspeople that put them there. Like it or not, there’s a snowball coming down the mountain called “Resistance to the War” and it’s stupid to think it will stop, much less start rolling back up the mountain.

Poll: How cool was Alexis de Tocqueville?

So the first poll asks, “How cool was Alexis de Tocqueville?” The set of objective, scientifically distributed responses follows:

  • Pretty fly for a white guy
  • Meh, he aight
  • That two-faced elitist bastard
  • How cool was WHO now?

Vote on the sidebar or here.

Tax time trivia

While you’re all scrambling around the new polls feature, I thought I’d through something else into the scramble. Make less than $50-g? Check out IRS’ Free File webpage for free tax-filing. Now that’s pretty legendary!

Update: Here’s a list of free e-File options for California, with more relaxed restrictions.

New site feature!

Polls! We got polls! Due to extreme, rabid demand, I’ve added polls! Slightly modified off of this guy’s polls plugin. Anyway, you can see it over on the sidebar, under Vibe. Cool, huh? Neat too, huh? Poll away, rabid fans!

Eureka! Kind of!

The alarm clock worked like a charm (although the “Quiet after xx minutes” feature was a bust). Unfortunately, as luck would have it, I had already awoken by the time it went off. After all this sleep and Rialto Special Lager (which was actually quite bleah), I’m exhausted. That’s enough ’scientific method’ for me for a while.

Science in action

Finally got x0vncserver working. Now that I can set my alarm from my desktop, it’s time to lay this to rest.

Hypothesis: It was the fault of my crumby alarm clock that prevented me from getting up this morning.

OK, I had a beer, watched two episodes of Scrubs (and one of ST:TNG for good measure), and set my alarm clock for 7 hours from now. “Dream Monster,” my fate is in your hands.

Problem solving in true form

OK, long story short since I have a Spanish midterm in about an hour. Set my alarm for 9:30am last night. This morning I snoozed it till 9:55am, then I reset it for 10:30am. At 10:30am, I just turned it off entirely. I was so drowsy I could not wake up. I’d gone to sleep at 2:30am after watching a couple episodes of Scrubs and enjoying a delicious Rialto Special Lager from Trader Joe’s. Could one beer have really put me out that much? Goodness.

Anyway, so when I finally got up I decided I’d get my act together and figure out a better way to wake myself up. First I contemplated using my mp3 player’s alarm function, which allows me to set a time for it to automatically wake up and start playing. If I connect the audio output to my computer speakers, I’ll be set, right? Wrong, because the stupid feature doesn’t work when the device’s battery is being charged by a wall power source. And since of course I charge it at night, I can’t use that feature.

Second thought was to use my desktop computer to play mp3’s at a specified time. It runs Windows XP, so I’d use the Task Scheduler to do it. But my desktop is loud and it disrupts my sleep (absolute silence is a must), so I’d have to figure out how to get it to automatically turn itself on in time for the task to run. First I thought I’d use the Wake-On-LAN feature, which allows the computer to wake itself up if it receives a special signal from the network. Perfect, since my Linux server is always on, I’ll just add a cron job (scheduled task) to send the signal every morning. But no dice, since at long last I determined my cheap-o motherboard doesn’t have the Wake-On-LAN header to make the auxiliary connection with network interface card. Poo! I could just use the BIOS wake-up feature, but that is a huge pain to change, which would be a hinderance since I usually want to wake up at different times every day.

So I sought a better alternative. And then I realized I could just use the Linux server itself as the alarm clock computer. But, it didn’t have an audio card. So I decided I’d have to take it down and install the card, recompile the kernel and configure it blah blah blah and then reboot and take with it my 120 day record of uninterrupted uptime. Then I remembered I had an old USB audio device (output only). I crossed my fingers and built the kernel modules for it (ALSA style), and then plugged it in. With fingers still crossed, I attempted to load the modules… Success! To my surprise (and suspicion) I was able to use newly built modules for USB hardware without having to reboot! (Note 1: The success is slightly tainted since I unnecessarily took the website offline for a couple hours. Note 2: During this charade I had to decide if I wanted to upgrade to the latest kernel sources. I was up for the challenge until Gentoo’s portage warned me that I’d have to configure and use udev since /dev support is gone in new sources. As I researched udev I came across this post about Gentoo’s hackish security, which strongly convinced me that in the near future I should rebuild my server in a less bleeding-edge distribution. Front runners are Fedora and SUSE/Novell at the moment.)

So it took about five hours of leisurely research and experimentation while I could have been working, but now I’m well on my way to waking up to beautiful music everyday (see below) at a respectable time, Rialto Special Lager or not. That’s problem solving, in true Mike McGranahan form.

Just like a prayer, your voice can take me there
Just like a muse to me, you are a mystery
Just like a dream, you are not what you seem
Just like a prayer, no choice your voice can take me there

Not “like a dream” anymore, no, not “like a dream” at all in fact. For I will not be dreaming when I hear your voice henceforth. From now on, you are indeed “what you seem”. Yes, “what you seem,” whatever that may be, indeed.

Get your SB fix, in 2006!

Wow, it’s 2006! It’s been so for a few weeks now but it still feels quite fresh, no? Although I intend eventually to write a full assessment of the kick-ass year that 2005 was (I call it Mike’s 2005 Kick Assessment), I have neither the time nor desire to actually do so. Immediately in it’s place, therefore is this post, with the slightly less bombastic title, Get your SB fix, in 2006! (Pronounced too-tau-sen seis.)

This post will be about a great many things, both grand and miniscule, so I urge caution unto readers of soft hearts, and softer heads.

First, here’s a great article for spicing up your daily prose. Take, for example, the potent rhetoric wielded in the following.

Sandwich Monkies:hey
Sandwich Monkies:at work?
lunalot:and thee?
lunalot:art thou at work?
lunalot:or at a jousting tournament?
Sandwich Monkies:i’m in my classroom
Sandwich Monkies:using those comps locked in a dentist chair up front
Sandwich Monkies:*lanced through the head*
Sandwich Monkies:*dies*
lunalot:ah, jousting school
lunalot:*uprorious laughter from audience*
lunalot:i guess that lesson went straight to his head
Sandwich Monkies:*audience from 15th century*
lunalot:*audience is worked into a frenzy*
Sandwich Monkies:lolol
Sandwich Monkies:nice
lunalot:he’s probably in serious agony!
lunalot:*audience revolts*
Sandwich Monkies:"he sure got the point of that lesson!"
lunalot:that’s a way to get aHEAD of the other students
Sandwich Monkies:"that lesson went in one ear, and out the other"
lunalot:and that’s why you shouldn’t have an authentic
knight from the 12th century pierce your ears, modern day children.
lunalot:is this jousting school, or head shish kebab school?!
Sandwich Monkies:jousting school
Sandwich Monkies:
Sandwich Monkies:*cough*
lunalot:i must be in the wrong classroom.

[Three minute silence.]

Sandwich Monkies:alright i better log off, students are drifting in
lunalot:k later

See? By merely starting off with a little spice, I turned a normally routine, tedious conversation into a real winner. You can take that to the bank! And while you’re there, why don’t you check into cash if you can.

Second, this year I will start a new and unique feature called “Product Reviews” soon. I don’t want to really reveal the details, as it’s a surprise, but suffice it to say the first couple entries will involve Tom’s of Maine Anticavity Toothpase and Deodorant, and the book Agile Web Development with Rails.

Third, I thought I’d … Crap, I forgot what third was. But it was good, and when my brain coughs it up, I’ll update this post.

Wait, I think third was just a mini-assessment of 2005, and pre-assessment of 2006. 2005:

  • Finished all significant requirements for degree (’cept Spanish as ya’ll should know)
  • Survived, by borrowing money from everyone (corporate legal entities included) possible. Thank you all.
  • Received an unofficial job offer.
  • Natalie got her driver’s license.

And 2006:

  • Finish el espaƱol and get B.A. Wow!
  • Start full-time programming job, make (big?) bucks! Wow!
  • Start repaying my liabilities! Phew!
  • Get in shape! Pant!
  • Finally have a life! Awoooga!


As if these stories here and here weren’t enough, I just drove by the event, talked to a yellow-jacketted security lady, and confirmed unequivocally that the event has been cancelled. Why? “The Fire Marshal shut us down because we couldn’t run the electric in the rain.” Interesting, ’cause that contradicts the LAFD blog.

Hope this helps any of you random folks hip enough to use technorati when Google fails. I have a (bad) photo of the non-event, but email from my phone is coming through slowly these days.

Visitors, feel free to share your revised plans about how to spend the last hours of this waning year, and the first hours of the waxing next. Me, I’m not sure what I’m doing now.

Update: More confirmation from the ticket seller. You could also call the Los Angeles Citywide Services Directory at 311.