Who ordered the scrambled brains?

58 billion served.

Archive for the 'Moblog' Category

The Moblog: succinct, simple, spontaneous… submitted via smart phone.

Resolutions: 1. Set more realistic goals. 2. Eat bad and get fat. So far, so good.

O_O Wow. Talk about colocating money and mouth.

Landmark Senate Vote Limits Filibusters:

Gerrymandering actually reducing a party’s power… who woulda thunk?

Oh sweet little dear baby Jesus, finally got my cloud deployments automated. Time to deploy my brain to the cloud (manually).

“F#!%, that was deafening…”

“…Thank you!” —Thom Powers, of The Naked and Famous, in response to the applause.

New York, color me impressed! I didn’t know you had it in you!

There’s always room for dessert. And concerts. #tnaf #montypython

Like thin mints.

Houston, we have a Staging environment.

Cuking is over-engineered project management

Good stuff: http://blog.8thlight.com/kevin-liddle/2013/09/18/a-case-against-cucumber.html

FYI. Sarin stops nerve endings in muscles from switching off. Death occurs due to the inability to control the muscles involved in breathing.

OH: "Maybe we should cheer him up then." "What do you suppose we should do?" "Well does he like… butter tarts?" #buttertarts #cheer