Who ordered the scrambled brains?

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Archive for the 'Moblog' Category

The Moblog: succinct, simple, spontaneous… submitted via smart phone.

First parking lot I’ve seen in NYC (Astoria, Queens).

Also, as the insurmountable, omnipotent Rebecca Black said, "Today it is Friday."

Having a stressful, busy, but great day. Immensely grateful for his friends + family.

Windows, Windows, Windows, sigh… ‘net use’ & ‘psexec’ can’t hold a candle to ’scp’ & ’ssh’.

Windows, Windows, Windows, sigh… ‘net use’ & ‘psexec’ can’t hold a candle to ’scp’ & ’ssh’.

Great article on Hypermedia–er “RESTful”–APIs that focuses on media type definition rather than protocol. #HTTP


how can anyone remotely related to afghan mil ops not know burning a truckload of korans will incite riots? #intentional #militaryarrogance

I fully support tickets being non-transferrable or transferrable with 10000% fee payable @ venue or to authorized ticketseller. #DieScalpers

@Ticketmaster is long overdue for disruption+destruction. Only way to get tickets through their site is to automate it programmatically. #BS

Unimpressed by ASP.NET Web API. JSON, XML & HTML are all mere representation formats so their dev frameworks should be one & the same. #rest