Who ordered the scrambled brains?

"More misunderstood musings of a moron" —Tara

Archive for the 'Moblog' Category

The Moblog: succinct, simple, spontaneous… submitted via smart phone.

It’s always smoggy in Philadelphia.

would love to be here with madge no less!


Nothin like a little `mplayer rtsp://wnyc-3gp.streamguys.com/wnycfm/wnycfm.sdp` on a Saturday morning.

Sayonara, Winter!

Epic thought #4: they should make a Crayon ™ color called Perfect French Fry Yellow.

Kudos @NPR! New guidelines state "if the evidence in a controversy weighs on one side, we acknowledge it."


"Shim" support in the upcoming Microsoft Fakes Framework looks pretty nifty. Hopefully it’s included in VS 2011 Professional.

Epic notes-to-self #1341 & #1342: mint chip flavored coffee & tartar sauce flavored coffee. (Just try to suppress your Pavlovian response!)

finds it somewhat arrogant that "Ben" is personally listed in all Pinterest notification emails.

annoyed that people are placing blame on the team behind ruby on rails for github’s irresponsible use of it.