Who ordered the scrambled brains?

The voice of soothing calm.

Archive for the 'Moblog' Category

The Moblog: succinct, simple, spontaneous… submitted via smart phone.


Let’s get ready! To! Rumble!

@NYTimes covers the state of the LES’s slow-motion cultural implosion.


You know it’s 2am on the Lower East Side when you simultaneously hear drunks, horses, and jackhammers.

Fascinating research: humans seem to naturally think logarithmically not linearly. Sad that most lose this in school.


Ryan: "It’s never to early to take a stand for our values." Ah, the battle cry of the neocons.

Biden might have lied about Libya security but stuck the landing about Romney politicking.


Argh, why did Raddatz let Ryan dodge the Koran burning question?

"If you don’t have any fresh ideas, then you use stale tactics to scare voters." -Paul Ryan (minus any context)

"If you don’t have any fresh ideas, then you use stale tactics to scare voters." Cases in point: both campaigns.