Who ordered the scrambled brains?

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Archive for the 'Moblog' Category

The Moblog: succinct, simple, spontaneous… submitted via smart phone.

Lemon crêpe…. *Homeresque gurgle*

Argo: suspense ad adsurdum, but good as Hollywood entertainment. Though the much needed prologue couldn’t've been more understated.

It undoubtedly would be disturbing if Obama didn’t win the popular vote.

But until we replace first-past-the-post voting & single-mark ballots with preferential voting, our democracy is on rocky ground. #stats101

One more thing left to call. Republican Party, time of death: 11:14pm EST, November 6, 2012.

Thank reason. Thank compassion. Fairness has prevailed. It’s not a perfect outcome, but it furthers American prosperity more than any other.

Correction: NBC called Ohio for Obama, which lead to calling the Pres for him.

Democratic Party claiming victory.

Still holding my breath before I exclaim "Thank God."

NBC just called Florida for Obama, and called Obama for the Presidency.