Who ordered the scrambled brains?

"More misunderstood musings of a moron" —Tara

Archive for October, 2012

Lady asking about AK47’s is wasting time. Short story short: Republicans own the House of Representatives. Pick up a Civics book.

"Can you say that a little louder Candy?" HOW ABOUT THE REST OF THE PRESS?!

O did well to own the situation: "I am ultimately responsible for our people here." Pre-emptive strike on the wind in R’s sails.


It appears Facebook temporarily stopped live feed updates on their website.

Anyone think this election is about who can memorize the most cherry-picked stats to paint the other guy as a complete Neanderthal?

O employing a tactic of simply saying "governor, that’s not true," which does well to respectfully register refutation.

Did I hear right? Romney’s idea of supporting women is to promote flex schedules so they can fulfill their responsibilities as home-makers?

Romney thinks a "buried" middle-class is concerned w/dividend & cap. gain taxes? Sorry, that doesn’t help the buried, it helps the well-off.

30m: R even more aggressive than last; risky? O standing ground; more pride in achievements; tying R to Repub Congress; noting flipflop. O+1