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Archive for March, 2012

Genius Crayon idea #2: New Leaf in Spring Green. (Inspired by the streets of DC.)

It’s always smoggy in Philadelphia.

would love to be here with madge no less!

Nothin like a little `mplayer rtsp://wnyc-3gp.streamguys.com/wnycfm/wnycfm.sdp` on a Saturday morning.

Sayonara, Winter!

Epic thought #4: they should make a Crayon ™ color called Perfect French Fry Yellow.

Kudos @NPR! New guidelines state "if the evidence in a controversy weighs on one side, we acknowledge it."

"Shim" support in the upcoming Microsoft Fakes Framework looks pretty nifty. Hopefully it’s included in VS 2011 Professional.

Epic notes-to-self #1341 & #1342: mint chip flavored coffee & tartar sauce flavored coffee. (Just try to suppress your Pavlovian response!)

finds it somewhat arrogant that "Ben" is personally listed in all Pinterest notification emails.