Who ordered the scrambled brains?

Also great when poached!

Archive for October, 2011

At Kiosk. Art + commerce.

Apple predicitions: Mac OS X 10.8 will have Siri, & it along with iOS6 will have integrated VOIP. But you’ll need new hardware to run them.

Sweet, R#-style CamelHump cursor movement supported by Notepad++! More like, “Notepad+++”!

Wasinhgton Square Community Bake Zone.

Marina in da hoouuuuse.

Jens Lekamn.

So true.

can’t stop listening to @FATTY_STYLIST ’s album!

.@TWCableHelp my internet outage began only 8hrs ago but others lost it over 24hrs. so the outage is spreading? you’re fixing it wrong. #LES

@Chisme_Chica, I hope you trekked out to Bakersfield to try these!