Who ordered the scrambled brains?

Michael uncensored. (But heavily filtered.)

Archive for September, 2011

Stand up desk, configuration 4. Awwwww ya homie, let tha good times rrrrrroll!

$200 color android tablet? enticing. just might make an ebook reader out of me yet! #kindlefire (once the $150 refurbs come out) #cheapskate

The FDNY doing… something. #orchard #stanton #les

Upstanding graduates of my alma mater…

wth?! randomly reading REM’s wikipedia page & #coincidentally learned they disbanded yesterday! don’t know the newer stuff but love the old.

Novel API in async Google Analytics: user pushes stuff into global Array variable which later becomes an Object with a ducky push() function

Taking a moment of contemplation for Troy Davis.

Just returned a hard drive to Staples and neither the cashier nor manager bothered to open the box.

Two tragic triumphs of the heart this weekend. Drive and Swan Lake.

explain to me how it’s not neanderthal to sentence a man to death based partly on race & 2 hours into his 6 hour death window halt it. #sick