Who ordered the scrambled brains?

A trainwreck on the information superhighway.

Archive for August, 2011

lambdaExpression.Compile()… like turning water into wine.

if you make routers that run mixed 802.11g/n, don’t let users choose wpa cipher type of tkip since n doesn’t support it. looking @dlink! >:[

while packing my "Go bag", i found my missing iPhone headphones. i guess there really is a reason for everything that happens.

the sun has set on a quiet determined city. preparations, anticipation give way to a focus on the present. heavy rains have just begun. #nyc

Absolute pandemonium at grocery stores. The CVS by my work is almost out of cinnamon babka!!!! #nyc

Re mandatory evacs, “Nobody’s going to get fined, nobody’s going to jail. People are just going to die.” -mayor #debbiedowner

"We’ve never done a mandatory evacuation before." -mayor bloomberg. i knew it was extraordinary, but didn’t think it was unprecedented. #nyc

RT @nytimes NYT NEWS ALERT: New York City to Shut Down Mass Transit on Saturday at Noon

ppl starting to talk seriously re hurricane. evac preparations, literally battening down the hatches (of homes), leaving work early… #nyc

wow. within 2-3 seconds of google crawling my "nyc earthquake" blog post, they were showing it in search results. 821 requests yesterday.