Who ordered the scrambled brains?

The voice of soothing calm.

Archive for June, 2011

Um, #wth?! Vixie #cron silently stopped doing anything on my server for several days! My faith in Linux is forever shattered!!

gahhhhhh. #ff7 on #iphone4. need to find time to set this up.

in preparation to watch The Human Centipede i read some reviews of it. the reviews alone are going to give me nightmares. #horrorcompulsion

"A small % of the world is good at programming & a small % is good at writing; #LiterateProgramming requires both" :/

NYC Summer Tip #1044582: Subway platforms in Grand Central are air conditioned!!!!!! So…route all your trips through there…?

Tree of Life. Artsy, beautiful, cerebral.

Vinnie’s Pizza and Humor Shop, Williamsburg

I think my phone’s starved for attention.

Nope, nothing has changed. One should only ever hold themselves to their own expectations.

Fingers and everything else uncrossed.