Who ordered the scrambled brains?

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Archive for April, 2011

I love how the final destination for most of the sauce on my sandwich is the corners of my lips. #imdoingitwrong

Why MySpace died? .NET can’t scale (I disagree), bad mgmt, loss of top talent, lax culture, no talent in LA. Comments?

Growling stomach. Too early for lunch. Crappy office vending machine. What to get, what to get… Bah. …Fig Newton bar 2-pack, I choose you!

Victory! Taxes hath been smote!

Is at a club & wants to request ‘Friday’. I mean it is Friday. And the question of which seat to take has lots of meaning on a busy subway.

Partyin’, partyin’, yeah! #Fun, fun, fun, fun. Lookin’ forward to the weekend!

Argh. Snowing again in NYC. Cruel April Fool’s Day joke, nature.

woot!! just ate 3 pieces of sashimi. 4 months ago eating something that only touched fish caused a severe allergic reaction. #freaky