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The Democrat’s War Policy Trap

Just a quick thought regarding the Iraq emergency spending bill. The way I see it, President Bush and the Republicans are falling into the trap the Democrats set. The Dems know the Republicans are too stubborn to admit their strategy of relying completely on military might to reach some kind of winning condition (whatever that may be!), so they can safely include a strategy of Iraqi government progression standards and troop withdrawl schedules into the spending bill and gain significant moral credibility, without the risk of actually testing that strategy since Bush is known to veto the bill. (Count that moral stand as win one for the Dems.) Instead, after the veto, they will reluctantly be “forced” into passing a spending bill without their shift in war policy, thus leaving the troops in Iraq, all the way up to the next election, all the while the situation continuing to worsen, consequently obliterating already tenuous chances for the Republican Presidential candidate to win the election.

Which is exactly what the Dems want. (Count that electoral victory as win two for the Dems!)

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