Who ordered the scrambled brains?

Irreverent. In every sense.

Banksy Elephant



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Roshan said:

How was the Bansky exhibit? I really like his work, and he recently came out with a coffee table book. Good stuff…If i had a coffee table, I would so be on that.

Mike McG said:

The exhibit was cool. A little crowded thanks to the elephant being on the news so much. Line grew to about an hour long when I left. The work displayed demonstrated his trademark insightful juxtaposition of symbols and capitalistic criticism. It was interesting to see his non-stencil work… He had some classical style paintings that incorporated absurd content like UFO’s attacking villagers and a landscape that had a painted Windows error dialog in the middle. Also almost all of his work was on canvas… No structural defacement here =)

I saw the coffee table book at Urban Outfitters. Cool indeed.


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