Who ordered the scrambled brains?

A trainwreck on the information superhighway.

The worth of Geraldo

The Simpsons are on so I’m stuck in front of the TV, but I only have 5% battery left on my iBook so I’ll make this quick.

Everyone loves bashing on Geraldo, be they conservative or liberal, greedy or humane (sorry that was redundant). Anyway, I think the left needs to take a more measured approach to its Geraldo-bashing. Yes, Geraldo is what the left needs. Why? About half the people in this country are conservative, for religious reasons or because they never received an education. These people are herded like sheep by the airheads of conservative punditry: Elisabeth from the View, Ann Coulter, News Corp (Fox News et al), etc. Ironic that so many can be mind-controlled by such absent-minded folks. How do they do it? The same argumentative techniques that get Geraldo so much flack. In other words, Geraldo is the secret weapon of the left, and the right fears him because he operates on the same empty-headed logic that their base does. He will win over middle America for the left with his new national network news show because Jon Stewart and Michael Moore are simply too high brow.

Crap only 1%. That will have to be my entire argument!

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