Who ordered the scrambled brains?

"Creamy. Indulgent. Chewy."

Caffeine taste good

Early morning not happy time for brain. Slow turning gears, very smecbrald it is. But brain like good taste of iced latte, soy and Splenda. If possible inject into cranium. MMM MMM MMM. But cranium too hard. Not possible so I injected into mouth with straw—oral consumption must suffice. So far haven’t had enough for gears to reach threshold rotational rate for acceptable thinking process (required for grammar processing and stop me from writing stupid things on blog).

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Marcus said:

i see… you do need coffee. you didn’t say “Soy Iced (size) Latte” haha j/k.

Mike McG said:

Ahem… Apparently I’m not the only one that needs coffee. If you want to get technical, shouldn’t it be Iced (size) Soy 1.5-Splenda Latte?! Haha!

Marcus said:

in my defense:
1) splenda is usually added after the customer receives their drink
2) i just woke up myself, and in need of comsummables such as food and coffe.

ha! hehe.

Mike McG said:

Regarding 1) ok, got me. I don’t think I’ve ever ordered it with the Splenda. But actually these days, I treat Starbucks and Coffee Bean pretty equally, but I will say this:

The difference is in the quality of service, and of course there’s a range for any chain. Coffee Bean ranges from deplorable rude cocky insulting (DRCI) service to average service. Some Starbucks can also have DRCI service, but you also find some Starbucks with actually friendly, warm service. (Woohoo Starbucks!) But to make it more complicated, sometimes the friendly and warm service is so phony or over-the-top you wish it was just the average but authentic service of CB (i.e. the “I genuinely don’t really care about you” service).

Vicente Valencia III said:

I haven’t drank coffee since college. Yucky! And with those prices I would rather buy lunch.


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