Who ordered the scrambled brains?

All things Mike .

Spam: good with rice, bad with blogs

Spambots have gotten better at spamming. They used to just infiltrate my comment sections. I stopped that thanks to the Akismet Bayesian comment filter plugin. Recently they started spamming up my Shout Outs box, making it totally useless. Freaks. Well, I came across the Bad Behavior HTTP request message filter. Hopefully that’ll make my ever-popular Shout Outs feature happy again.

In other news…. there has been no other news, hence not much posting lately. Nonetheless, I urge you to keep your brain tuned exclusively to this station.

Update (2006-07-19T19:31:42): OK, by the time I finished editing this post originally, I had received 8 spam. ARGH.

Update (2006-07-20T02:09:53): OK, the feature has been reinstated. Added a one-link limit to the code. Seems to be holding up for now. One more thing, I just realized I should have named this post Spam: good with rice, bad with brains. Man, what a wasted opportunity.

Follow me on Twitter for the latest updates, and make sure to check out my community opinion social networking project, Blocvox.


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shaun said:

I was also spamming the Shout Outs feature. Sorry.

Summer Recipe:

Spambled Eggs

1 Spam
1 Egg

Crack egg on Spam.

Serves 2-4 people.

Mike McG said:

I like the sound of that. For an exotic twist, you can make it Spambled Brains. Actually that’s basically what the Shout Outs feature turned into.

Marcus said:

mmmm…. spam.

Michael Hampton said:

That Jalenack’s shoutbox? You should contact him about making it work with Bad Behavior. As far as I know it does not.

Mike McG said:

You are right. I ended up removing Bad Behavior shortly after I installed it. From the number of complaints on the Jalenack blog about spam on the shoutbox/wordspew thing, I don’t know if he cares much to address that problem. That said, I hope to add some simple captcha to mine soon.


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