Who ordered the scrambled brains?

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VSLive Las Vegas, days 0-1

Here’s a few notes from the trip thus far:

Yesterday at 7:20pm:

amazing, flying to vegas means flying over los angeles. i just saw the 405, the getty center, the 10, the wilshire corridor, westwood and ucla, palms and my apartment building!, century city, miles and miles of residential grid that makes up west l.a., midcity, and k-town, the rose bowl, silverlake resevoir(?), the 101 and some big body of water north of the sfv! now back to wc3.

it’s funny, i’m eating the same peanuts that my dad used to bring home from his occasional business trips.

Eating has been hard to control. I’m determined to workout tonight.

Do NOT use hotwire.com. Their “reduced” rates are the same as those offered on Expedia. Total total BS. And totally misleading you into thinking you’re not gonna get stuck in a god-damned dump like Circus freaking Circus. Jesus. Now that’s what I call annoying.

Got a big car for rental. Chevy Impala. Stop drooling.

Tropicana is much more acceptable than I thought it would be. Casino is kinda lame (only two roulette tables and 4 blackjack tables?!) but no big deal. Nice staff.

Conference rooms are freezing. Lots of food though. And wireless internet, which is my only access. Windows Communication Framework (aka Indigo and .NET 3.0 distributed computing framework) seems to do a pretty good job of abstracting the many layers and concepts of service-oriented architectures and of unifying the many Microsoft distributed computing technologies (SOAP, WSE, remoting, MSMQ (?), …). Makes me want to play with it… but later… this workshop is dragging and dragging. High-density information overload.

Made some roulette moolah yesterday. Feeling lucky, I tell ya. Except when it comes to booking god-damned freaking rooms.

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1 Comment

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Natalie said:

I’ll have you know I love Circus Circus. I stayed there during my first trip to Las Vegas. I believe I was 12.

Oh wait.

That would explain it.


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