Who ordered the scrambled brains?

Fast your mind on this!

Improv in our locale

So you wanna get down with the alligator clowns, who know no mess-around, and rock the L.A. town? Then step to the left, no step to the right, I mean move ya cursor down and go to this website. Cuz we be rockin, and roll’n, we don’t know where we go’n but right now we set the tone, so we later get the bone — if you know what I mean, cuz let me come clean, I’ll admit there’s some mystery in what I scream. We’ll be out in full force like some Jedi fighters, don’t turn around now but-you’re-in-my-blaster’s-sighter. In my other hand is my saber de lighter, gonna slash open your head like some cranial divider if you don’t click that link and get on over here, where you can dance, and sing, and do a little cheer. Cuz if there’s one thing I want to make perfectly clear, it’s that this link holds the power if you have no fear.

First see this: Flash mob, Best Buy, NYC.

Then see this: First L.A. meetup.

Then raise your arm and pump your fist!

Follow me on Twitter for the latest updates, and make sure to check out my community opinion social networking project, Blocvox.


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Natalie said:

Raps comin at cha straight from the heart of a nerd.

Mike McG said:

From the heart of this nerd come blazing hot words!

Marcus said:
Mike McG said:

Thanks for being balsy enough to show up. And to the rest of my friends, you have no balls. It was an interesting experience at least. Now we have to wait and see if anything happens.


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