Who ordered the scrambled brains?

Live and late-breaking coverage of Michael

The heart of the desert

I’m listening to The Go! Team’s “Everyone Is a V.I.P. to Someone” right now, and it’s nostalgic poignancy (in both musical style and because they played it yesterday) is really crystallizing the sense of awe with which the quickly-deserting Coachella has left me.

Without going into details (yet), Coachella was an absolutely amazing experience, one of those increasingly rare moments in life when you feel like you’re actually experiencing something new again, something that ignites you to imagine the future with brilliant new optimism. For so many people to gather together (and to spend their pragmatically-precious time and money to do so) to experience and support earnest music is deeply uplifting. It is so reassuring to see that this kind of appreciation, which is really a compassionate appreciation of human emotion (as is all art appreciation), cannot be extinguished by the forces of conformity that exist in contemporary American society. (Indeed, there were multitudinous expressions of anti-Bush sentiment.)

I already miss Coachella.

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Natalie said:

And how much do you miss Madge?

Mike McG said:

Let’s just say that if it was Coachella that stole the soles of my feet, then it was Madge who stole the retinas of my eyeballs.

Natalie said:


One more comment like that and I will steal the remainder of your eyeballs and keep them in my pocket……..for secret eating.

Matt said:

Very nicely said; Coachella has been a powerful experience for each of the three years I’ve attended.

Who ordered the scrambled brains? » The silence must be broken! said:

[…] Despite Julieta Venegas’ serendipitous appearance on the announcement, I still wish The Streets were on the list. Natalie worthily pines for another Basement Jaxx showing. Maybe they’ll get added. Coachella, after all, has a pretty solid reputation of adding a major act three weeks before the show. Other info: April 27-29 (yes, three days now, not just two) and $249 for a 3-day pass. Wow, it’s almost been a year and I never even got around to writing up the full wealth of experiences from the last Coachella! Ah, that’s life. […]


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