Who ordered the scrambled brains?

Documenting the only time in his life in which he has the time to document his life.

Just keepin’ it salisbury, Samsonite

OK, we’ve all used SMS. That’s the technology that enables cell phones to send 160-character “text messages” to each other. And we all know that the major phone carriers provide email gateways to the SMS relays. For example, T-Mobile delivers emails sent to the address 3105551234@tmomail.net to that cell phone via SMS. Other providers have different email domains for their SMS gateways. Anyway, we all know that’s cool because it’s easier to type out a message on your computer than with your thumb on a cell phone. Well, we all know the problem with this is that you have to know what phone carrier each person is on to know what to put after the @ sign in the email address.

So now what we don’t all know. Some dude set up a service at teleflip.com that will determine the correct email address and send it accordingly. Of course don’t expect any privacy but why are you sending your debit-card PIN, nuclear-bomb activation codes, or recipes for your family’s secret sauce over SMS anyway? To use the service, type up a short text-only (not HTML-formatted) message and send it to <cell_phone_number>@teleflip.com. As you can see, no knowledge of the recipient’s provider is necessary. Remember the catchy ol’ tenet, “KISS - Keep it simple, stupid.” Well, this service does just that. It keeps SMS simple, because you’re so freakin’ stupid.

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Natalie said:

I’m sorry, but I couldn’t follow this post at all. My eyes were transfixed on the delicious salisbury.

On my way home from work I’ll stop by Albertson’s and pick up four: one for me, one for you, and two for that beast you live with.

You don’t mind if I purchase the kind that have a side of masher and a brownie dessert do you? Or were you always a fan of the mac/cobbler combo? I bet that’s the beast’s fave. I’ll get him one of each.

Anyhow, get the trays set up in front of the tv. “Lost” night, 2.5.

Mike McG said:

Dang this girl knows my style. Mac/cobbler fo sheezie. This is gonna make Lost Night 2.5 the best version yet!

Tara said:

Although I couldn’t keep up with the jibber-jabber of the SMS conversation that Mike was having with himself, I could absolutely relate to the salisbury conversation that Natalie so poigniantly (did I spell that right? who cares) brought up. Nat, once again, THANK YOU for saving us from the ramblings of a crazy man obsessed with techinical terms that no one cares about

I concur with Miguel about the apple cobbler, if the brownie is heated too long, the gravy from the salisbury steak leaks intot he brownie compartment and then you’re screwed, unless you like brown gravy flavored brownies… When the brown gravy leaks into the apple cobbler, i think that it actually enhances the flavor.

I bored, can you tell?

Mike McG said:

The fact that my website/virtual-crawl-space-under-a-chicken-coop supplants your boredom is a great honor to me. Thank you.

And double thanks for the explanation of why I’m so down with the mac/cobbler salisbury. You’ve unlocked for me one of the deepest secrets of my psyche. Cobbler + gravy = pure satisfaction!


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