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Imperial Records of Immigration

Hi again! How’ve you been?

So I’ve kind of been eating better lately. Kind of. Smaller, more frequent, more natural, higher fiber snacks throughout the day. Keeps the energy level up and limits conversion of calories to fat. Of course at the end of the day even though I’m full, I’m not satiated, and my natural compulsion to eat at the end of the day takes over. And I’m out the cost of another order of chili cheese fries from the venerable Big Tomy’s. Today I ended up with a headache. Granted it might have been caused by the 3 hours of non-stop WarCraft III after a four month hiatus.

[”What’s with today today?” Prescient words, weren’t they. I’m glad I rented this movie, but I don’t remember it being so corny. It’s Friday and Nat’s having a girl’s night out (Girl Talk board game, anyone?), so I’m doing what I always do: something Nat has done that I haven’t. And although I’ve seen parts of Empire Records I never actually saw it from title to credits. Happy Rex Manning Day ya’ll!]

So a lot of those healthier snacks I’ve been eating lately are grown on farms, and probably picked by undocumented laborers. Which is a little coincidenctal because recently I also came across some really close-minded comments about undocumented immigrants lately and it really chapped my hide. When people start saying things like “illegal immigrants are criminals” they are intentionally closing their minds in order to mask their –

[Oh I think I just saw the first black actor in this movie!]

– to mask their more sinister feelings. Undocumented immigrants are rallying to change the law. This type of action occurs when they feel the law is unjust, which is a moral and philosophical issue. The issue should be discussed on those terms. Is the current documentation process fair? Is the scope of documentation fair? What is the nature of citizenship? I mean to me it sucks that government instability (in undeveloped and developing nations) can have such a detrimental effect on those who are born there. As if they deserved it. And further, who’s to argue that there is any rationale behind where a person is born. It angers me that some Americans take such an elitist attitude about their nationality, that they deserve the privileges they have not because they are documented and pay taxes and obey laws, but because they were born here and identify with American culture. And then you have the folks that bring language into it, and is just blows their cover wide open. Now it’s clearly not just legality/criminality that they claim to protest, but the culture itself. Just admit your racist and then go blow your brains out. Please? In conclusion, forcing the issue to be discussed strictly on what the law is at the moment misses the point and just provides a thin social veil for racism.

[Oh I love this song “A Girl Like You” by Edwin Collins.]

This brings me to something I was thinking in the shower. Republicans have a field day with the fact that they are the more “American” party. What manipulative semantics! I don’t deny that I reject identification with “America,” but that’s only because of the bastardization the conservative movement has had on the definition. That’s frustrating because I feel that they took something unfairly that I am powerless to take back. The entire left just let their identification with America go. Which is one of the bigger image problems the left has. Argh.

[Hrm, the bald girl’s remarkably cute. ]

Been reading TechCrunch lately in addition to my morning news lineup. They pointed me to three intersting music services. 1) Last.fm: tracks the music you and others listen to and makes music recommendations based on that data, 2) Pandora: Flash-based music player that makes recommendations based on their “genetic” song tag database, 3) PandoraFM: combines Last.fm with Pandora (requires a Last.fm account).

[I think the time has come for me to lie back, relax and enjoy the golden 90’s and the happy-ending of the rest of this movie.]

One last thing: it wouldn’t hurt to take a few minutes and learn how to use a defibrillatorcourtesy of LAFD (you know, that thing doctors use to start your heart when they yell “Clear!”)

Follow me on Twitter for the latest updates, and make sure to check out my community opinion social networking project, Blocvox.

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