Who ordered the scrambled brains?

The voice of soothing calm.

Status Report from el Trabajo

OMG I need to post another entry soon! But here’s a quick one. All I can say for now is that work is great, but getting here by 9:30am is almost impossible. Having a parking spot on campus is great. The drive to work is great. The people are really nice. Campus of course is lovely; I think I hate it less and less with each passing day. But the fact that I won’t be getting my first paycheck till March 1 is not great.

Any of you have any experience or recommendations about good gyms? I have a spare tire, some junk in the trunk, love-handles, and a loose caboose I need to get rid of — basically all the basics of a good A-Team junkyard vehicle. With no rocket launcher.

OK, I’m gonna close the poll about Alexis de Tocqueville. I read in a New York Times opinion column last month, someone saying he felt Tocqueville’s Democracy in America was something like the greatest historical book about America ever published, so I went to Wikipedia to look more up about the man. Anyway, the article was short, highlighting his philosophical views that to me seemed could conflict. For example, socially he championed equality and liberty, but economically felt government intervention was oppressive (we don’t have such political parties in the U.S.). So basically I was unable to evaluate whether I liked him or not. Well, I think after writing this paragraph I understand him better, and I think I like him. However, that’s not the feeling the rest of ya’ll had. INTERESTING. We’ll see if we have any more polls for a while, until you learn to agree with me.

Follow me on Twitter for the latest updates, and make sure to check out my community opinion social networking project, Blocvox.


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Natalie said:

Can I persuade you to have a poll that the general public can get excited about? Alexis de Tocqueville SCHMAlexis de Tocqueville. What the people are dying to know is this:

Do you prefer to dip your buttery toast in oatmeal or take a bite of oatmeal and then take a bite of your buttery toast? Or take a bite of your buttery toast and then take a bite of oatmeal?

A)Dip buttery toast in oatmeal

B)Take a bite of oatmeal and then take a bite of buttery toast

C)Take a bite of buttery toast and then take a bite of oatmeal

Thank you,

Mike McG said:

You forgot one:

D) Dip buttery toast in oatmeal, pour all of it in the trash.

Shaun said:

“I have a spare tire, some junk in the trunk, love-handles, and a loose caboose I need to get rid of — basically all the basics of a good A-Team junkyard vehicle. With no rocket launcher.”

Steve: I have a rocket launcher. In my pants!

Mike McG said:

Everyone: “The only thing that so-called, ahem, “rocket launcher” can kill is your own sense of masculinity.”


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