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The Cramming of the Cramming

Another summer session, another final. One down, one to go. Whoo! Let me break this one down for you. Since I had that freakishly time-consuming essay to write yesterday, I only had this morning to study for today’s final. You could say that my cramming had to be crammed into one morning. And for some reason my body was stuck in the “operational” mode last night and I just never felt tired. That was after 40 hours with only an hour of sleep. At midnight I got in bed and finally went into hibernation. Got up at 5:15am and started the cramming of the cramming. My mental faculties were at the mercy of coffee and cigarettes. Ew! But what are you gonna do? Prioritize? Organize? Manage? Well, I guess.

Anyway, got to the final, a mere thirty minutes late, sat down and dug in. I was elbow deep in the BS and was having one hell of a time flinging it around. Just kidding, only at one point was I, shall I say, smearing the truth. I actually did quite well. A in Sociology 102, Contemporary Sociological Theory, no doubt! A toast: to never forgetting Parsons, Merton, Dahrendorf, Goffman, Lukács, Gramsci, Marcuse or Habermas! Cheers!

Another toast: no more unrealistic toasts! Cheers!

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