Who ordered the scrambled brains?

Sabemclrd Bniras indeed!

New Mailing Lists

Just finished the bulk of my first contract programming work… You know what that means? More work on Scrambled Brains is now underway. I just put the finishing touches on a couple site features. Scrambled Brains now provides mailing lists for blog posts and comments. You know what that means? Scrambled Brains conveniently delivered to your email inbox, as hot and fresh as it gets. Information about the mailing lists is available here on the About page. I also added a donations link, that finally empowers you readers to show your appreciation for this publication. You know what that means? My bank account is gonna start overflowing and I can go straight from college to retirement! The link to the donations page is at the bottom of the About page.

And I’m thinking about adding a graffiti box to the sidebar to add even more dynamism to the site.

Follow me on Twitter for the latest updates, and make sure to check out my community opinion social networking project, Blocvox.

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