Who ordered the scrambled brains?

58 billion served.

Where You All Be At?

I’m using a free service from gvisit.com which uses the acclaimed free service Google Maps to track where you all be at! I.e., the service populates a Google Map with markers representing the approximate geographic locations of the visitors to this site. It was interesting to see a marker on Reno, Nevada. Where will you guys come from next…

Update: I added a link to my gvisit page at the bottom of the directory on the right.

Update 2: The markers are determined automatically by your internet connection’s address. And it doesn’t seem to track duplicates. So there’ll only be one marker for Los Angeles, for example, despite multiple readers located here. By multiple I mean more than one, less than three.

Follow me on Twitter for the latest updates, and make sure to check out my community opinion social networking project, Blocvox.


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Steve said:

I’m in Buffalo, NY right now. I don’t see my location on your map. I’m in Niagra/Ontario, Canada tomorrow. I’ll be taking over the whole scramblebrains NE region. Viva scramblebrains!

Mike said:

Well, perhaps it takes some time to process. Hrm… you posted that 2 hours and 15 minutes ago. I don’t know. The service requires the viewer’s web browser to have Javascript enabled; perhaps yours wasn’t, which is common for public web browsers. But thank you for your enthusiasm in Scrambled Brains and your zest for nationwide representation thereof. (Reading a Constitutional Law textbook at the moment…)

¡Viva las Cerebros Revueltos!


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