Who ordered the scrambled brains?

"Creamy. Indulgent. Chewy."

Welcome to the end of the computer age hahaha

OK, let’s cheer things up around here. A few old-skool rap PSA’s.


(By the way, you might have noticed that in addition to commenting on my posts, you can now reply to specific comments left by others. It’s a feature a lot of you have been asking for, and now you have it. Let the flame-wars begin. This is courtesy of Brian’s Threaded Comments plugin for Wordpress. Also, I enabled comments on the static Pages - listed on the right - thanks to this advice.)

Follow me on Twitter for the latest updates, and make sure to check out my community opinion social networking project, Blocvox.


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wtf said:

that’s a lotta balls

Mike said:

Thank you for the enlightenment, Mr. Michael Chu.


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